Renegade Knights Baby Angels

RK New Era aloitti meille uuden aikakauden. Teemme jotain, mitä harva tekee. Meidän mielestämme nämä ihanat pennut ovat ansainneet sen, että heitä jokaista muistetaan. Näitä aarteitamme ei ole heitetty tunkiolle, ei roskikseen eikä kaivettu maahan. Meille ainoa vaihtoehto on kunniallinen ja asianmukainen tuhkaaminen. 

A-litter RK Baby Angels

25.9.2020 klo 20:45 tyttö (eli noin vuorokauden)
25.9.2020 klo 23:30 poika
26.9.2020 klo 11:25 poika
26.9.2020 klo 15:05 poika


Last edited: December 06, 2020, 17:45

It's Time to Resurrect RK

Farewell the outdated red
Welcome the Superb Bright & Sunny Yellow

RK Kennel's Bright & Sunny New ERA has earned this absolutely beautiful new color.

Message to the Copycats & Wannabees in Finland
"You can keep the Red you copied from us. If you choose to continue this stupid game to make a total fools out of yourselves, then you'll just show everyone that you really don’t have a life of your own and you are a complete losers."

Love & Honor & Loyalty & Respect

Support, help and lot's of TLC is always available for our RK family.

"If you can't Love a dog like a family member don't get one. They only know how to look at you as a pack member and to them, that is Family."

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." - unknown author

Kennel Renegade Knights - Ari Angervo & Kaya Angerja

Pitkäkarvaisten saksanpaimenkoirien kasvattaja
Breeder of longhaired German Shepherds

"We feel, that a great website is made of excellent content with text and images. Without content webpage is like an empty shell and if you don't have enough content, then just make one page with your contact information. Empty head equals useless content. Remember, that you never use copy paste method to your webpage."

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