Jokavuotisena traditionamme Uudenkaupungin hienot ilotulitukset. Takana ikimuistoinen ja tapahtumarikas vuosi, jonka voisi hyvin tiivistää sanaan IHQU. On reissattu ja käyty monessa henkeäsalpaavan kauniissa paikoissa, Nähty paljon uusia hienoja paikkoja ja tavattu niin ihania ihmisiä. Olemme pysähtyneet monesti ihailemaan auringonlaskua merenrannalla, vesiputouksen tai suihkulähteen solinaa ja nauttineet keskiaikaisten linnojen autenttisista tunnelmista. Kuten jo aiemmin tänä vuonna olemme tämän sanoneet: Horatius sanoi viisaasti "CARPE DIEM" Leuconoëlle, kehotti käyttämään hyväkseen jokaisen käsillä olevan hetken ja varoitti häntä luottamasta liiaksi tulevaisuuteen. Rohkeasti suuntaamme vielä tuntemattomiin uusiin seikkailuihin.
"Carpe Diem, Carpe Noctem, Carpe Omnia. Seize the day, seize the night, seize everything because any one moment you let slip through your fingers is one you'll never get back!"
Kaunis kiitos koko RK-perheelle sekä tasapuolisesti kaikille muille. Leppoisaa Joulumieltä sekä Luppoisaa Uutta Vuotta 2017. Pieni jouluinen paketti on lähetetty koko RK-perheelle. Santa Claus Ari Angervo and Santa's little helper Nea from FINLAND. Pieni muisto vuoden alusta Daugavpils Latviasta "Ari Joulupukkina ja Nea".
>> YOUTUBE: Santa Claus and Snow Whites in Daugavpils
"I don't want much for Christmas. I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Wishing You Snowflakes, Friendship and Winter Cheer. Merry Christmas."
Aussenhaus Ramses: Junior Class Excellent, Junior Winner / JCAC, BOS
Judge commented about Ramses: "Beautiful, super dog."
Tuomari / Judge: Tatsiana Chumakina, BY
Aussenhaus Ramses: Junior Class Excellent, Junior Winner / JCAC, BOS
Tuomari / Judge: Helena Borisova, BY
Talvinen viikonloppu Alytus Liettuassa. Ramses sulatti näyttelyssä olleiden lasten kuin myös tuomarien sydämet. Ramsi boy suorastaan nauttii olla huomion keskipisteenä.
"Give respect, then you will get some back."
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": VAL-ERI. VAK1, PN3, SA, VARACA
Tuomari: Petru Muntean, RO
"Every champion was once a contender, that refused to give up. - Rocky Balboa"
"If you're a champion, you have to have it in your heart. - Chris Evert"
"People with good hearts are the ultimate winners. - Seohyun"
Iloitsemme yhdessä Nean Latvian muotovalion tittelistä.
"Victory is in having done your best. If you've done your best, you've won. - Bill Bowerman"
>> YOUTUBE: Birštonas, Lithuania 20-22.5.2016
Ainutlaatuisen pysähdyttävä "once in a lifetime" Tournée Latviasta Viron kautta Venäjälle. Reissussa oli mukana hilpeä kolmikko Ari, Kaya ja Henkka sekä unohtamatta kaikenkarvaisia ystäviä Neaa ja Colaa. Upeat keskiaikaiset linnat puistoineen. Loputtomiin jatkuvat kuvankauniit hiekkarannat. Rentouttavaa veden solinaa suihkulähteiden sekä vesiputousten uumenista. Maalauksellisen lumoavia paikkoja. Horatius sanoi viisaasti "CARPE DIEM" Leuconoëlle, kehotti käyttämään hyväkseen jokaisen käsillä olevan hetken ja varoitti häntä luottamasta liiaksi tulevaisuuteen. Erityiset kiitokset Henkalle oikein rattoisasta matkaseurasta.
>> YOUTUBE: Tournée from Latvia to Russia 31.7-7.8.2016
"One day at a time, this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone. And do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering. Happiness is a journey."
"The gift of true friendship is that it takes us by the hand and remind us we are not alone in the journey of life."
Tara Mavic Poland: Excellent, CAC, BOB
Aussenhaus Ramses: PP, BOB Puppy
Florenza vom Fanino: PP, BOB Baby
Tuomari: Gerard Cox, IE
Tara Mavic Poland: Excellent
Aussenhaus Ramses: PP, BOB Puppy
Florenza vom Fanino: PP, BOB Baby
Tuomari: Zvi Kupfenberg, IL
Hieno näyttelyviikonloppu Ventspils Latviassa. Florenzan ensimmäinen näyttely ja Ramseksen toinen. Kaiken kruunasi sunnuntaina Colalle saatu Latvian kolmas CAC.
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. - Tony Robbins"
Many thanks to Buki for a excellent stay - Mini Zoo WOW. Recreation place “Buki” is located in Ventspils district, Varve parish, in the Baltic Sea coastal protection zone. Recreation place is approximately 6 km from the centre of Ventspils and the Baltic Sea, and approximately 3 km from the river Venta.
"If we could read the minds of animals we would find only truths."
Re-visited Ventspils Fountains.
"Coming to the fountain is one of our favorite things to do. You can sit and watch everyone go by."
Masurian Lakes - a canal through the town of Giżycko - Swing Bridge. The strategic position of the town on an isthmus between two large lakes had a great influence on its history. The town was a stronghold of the Teutonic Knights, who built a castle there in the 14th century, while the first written mention of the town comes from 1340.
"The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. - David Russell"
Elixir Hotelik Caravan Camping offers an unique location on the Kisajno Lake so one can safely relax and rejuvenate here. Pets are welcome. Thank you Elixir Hotelik for a very pleasant stay.
Isased kutsikad 4 - 6 kuud / Dogs 4 - 6 months
Emased kutsikad 4 - 6 kuud / Females 4 - 6 months
Isased pikakarvalised kutsikad 4 - 6 kuud / Dogs 4 - 6 months longhair
Tuomarit: Males: Mr. Rainer Mast (SV), Females: Mr. Christoph Ludwig (SV)
Veiko ja Ramses kehässä. Hieno suoritus kaikilta. Palkintokorokkeella Tanja, Veiko ja Ramses.
VOITTAJASISARUKSET ROCCO & RAICA & RAMSES. Palju õnne Veiko. Täname fotod Tanja.
"Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. - Arnold H. Glasow"
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent, WINNER, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent
Tuomari: Polina Simic, RS
Hieno näyttelyviikonloppu Venäjällä.
>> YOUTUBE: International Dog Show, Russia
"If you're afraid of wolves, don't go to the woods. - Russian proverb"
Pleasant and very nice hotel. Good location. Excellent service and food delicious. Thank you Oazis Hotel for a very nice weekend.
>> YOUTUBE: Oazis Hotel, Russia
The Pskov Krom (Kremlin) - the biggest fortress in Europe. In XIV - the beginning the XVI centuries the Kremlin together with the veche area, a cathedral and cages was spiritual and administrative center of the Pskov earth. Expansion of its walls - 9 kilometers.
>> YOUTUBE: The Pskov Krom, Russia
"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. - Winston Churchill"
This "International" Airport located close to our Oazis Hotel. We went there to get money from the one and only ATM. And of course, next to the ATM machine was one sleeping cat, why not.
>> YOUTUBE: Pskov Airport, Russia
"Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Sigmund Freud"
The memorial monument to the soldiers perished during the War of Independence was erected in 1931 and represents a wounded Estonian soldier.
>> YOUTUBE: Vastseliina Memorial, Estonia
"The greatest gifts you can give to your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. - Denis Waitley"
The history of the Vastseliina Episcopal Castle dates back to the 14th century and it was a strong border fortress between Russia and Europe until the end of the 17th century. The castle was demolished during the Great Northern War in 1702 by Russians. In the Middle Ages, the Episcopal Castle was among the destinations for Catholic pilgrims.
>> YOUTUBE: Vastseliina Castle, Estonia
"What is harder than stone? What more soft than water? Nevertheless hard though the rock be, it is hollowed by the wave. - Ovid"
Tamme-Lauri oak is the thickest and oldest tree in Estonia, located in Urvaste Parish, Võru County. The height of the tree is 17 metres, circumference is 831 centimetres (327 in), measured 130 centimetres (51 in) from the ground. According to researchers, the tree was planted around 1326. Tamme-Laurin tammi on Urvastessa, Võrumaan maakunnassa sijaitseva Viron paksuin ja vanhin puu. Puun korkeus on 17 metriä ja ympärysmitta on 831 senttimetriä. Tutkijoiden mukaan puu on istutettu vuonna 1326.
>> YOUTUBE: Tamme-Lauri Oak, Estonia
"Just touching that old tree was truly moving to me because when you touch these trees, you have such a sense of the passage of time, of history. It's like you're touching the essence, the very substance of life. - Kim Novak"
So difficult border crossing place here in the middle of the city: VALKA/VALGA. Here is how you travel from VALKA LATVIA to VALGA ESTONIA and vice versa.
>> YOUTUBE: VALKA Latvia - VALGA Estonia
"Life is wide, limitless. There is no border, no frontier. - Bruce Lee"
Guest House Gaujas Priedes is surrounded by a beautiful pine forest on the outskirts of Valmiera. So peaceful and quiet beautiful place.
>> YOUTUBE: Gaujaspriedes, Latvia
"Time is like river. You cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life."
The ruins store the memory of the ancient centre of the town of Valmiera and decorate the beautiful surrounding nature. The Livonian Order castle with fortified forepart, mighty defensive walls, ramparts and ditches was the first Livonian Order fortification on the right bank of the Gauja river.
>> YOUTUBE: Valmiera, Latvia
"Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you. - Walt Whitman"
Turaida Castle (meaning Thor's garden in Livonian) is a recently reconstructed medieval castle in Turaida, in the Vidzeme region of Latvia, on the opposite bank of the Gauja River from Sigulda. Turaida castle dominates the Museum Reserve and is visually, its most impressive element.
"Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out. - Gordon B. Hinckley"
Built in 1207 as a castellum type fortress, later rebuilt into a convent type building. From 2012 it is possible to climb up the North Tower, the Main Gate Tower and enjoy the medieval aura. In the warmer months you can also take part in archery and other knightly pursuits.
>> YOUTUBE: Sigulda Medieval Castle, Latvia"Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show."
The Knights’ Castle at Jaunpils surprises visitors with its might and the Medieval aura still present there – not just the halls and passages, but also in excursions and theatrical tours simulating the Middle Ages, and such characters as Monk Teodors.
>> YOUTUBE: Jaunpils Castle, Latvia
"Chivalry never died. The gentleman in most men did. Being a male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice."
Ēdole Castle is a Gothic Revival castle situated on the banks of Ēdole Lake, Ēdole parish, in the historical region of Courland, western Latvia. Originally consisting of two residential buildings linked by a stone wall, the castle is surrounded by landscape park. It is considered an architectural and archaeological monument of national importance.
>> YOUTUBE: Ēdole Castle, Latvia
"Life is like the ocean. Everytime a wave knocks down your sand castle you build it again."
Very beautiful and relaxing camping. Lake and swans and everything. What a picturesque place. Vietimme yön Nabite leirintäalueella, joka osoittautui todelliseksi helmeksi.
>> YOUTUBE: Kempings Nabite, Latvia
"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. - Camille Pissarro"
Kuldīga is the pearl of Kurzeme, Latvia's western region. Kuldīga boasts distinctive architecture, the Venta River with the widest waterfall ledge in Europe "VENTAS RUMBA", and an old brick bridge. Alekšupīte Waterfall, currently the highest in Latvia.
>> YOUTUBE: Kuldiga, Latvia
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. - W.H.Auden"
Several fountains, the residents of Ventspils have brought calmness into the city’s dynamic life, which is provided by the gurgling and flowing sounds of the water.
>> YOUTUBE: Ventspils, Latvia
"There is a fountain inside you. Don't walk around with an empty bucket. - Rumi"
Jurmalniekin viihtyisä mökki. Erittäin mukavat sängyt ja rauhallinen paikka. Syrjäisestä sijainnista huolimatta kauppa oli ihan vieressä ja kahvila tien toisella puolen. Merenranta 400 metrin päässä, jossa kävimme illalla ihailemassa auringonlaskua.
>> YOUTUBE: Kempings Jurmalnieki, Latvia
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."
Slītere National Park is located in the Northern Kurzeme peninsula washed by the Baltic Sea. The park is known for its incredibly beautiful vista – courtesy of the sea, broadleaf forests, bogs, wetlands, boreal forests and swamps.
>> YOUTUBE: Slitere National Park, Latvia
"It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream. - Bern Williams"
Cape Kolka is the most pronounced horn on the shores of Latvia, and it is where the waves from two seas clash – the open Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. During the bird migration season, dozens of thousands of birds fly over the cape, and this is the best place to start a visit to Slitere National Park.
>> YOUTUBE: Cape Kolka, Latvia
"This moment will never come again. Enjoy it."
Dundaga Castle is a medieval castle, built in the 13th century, is now a venue for thematic exhibitions, presentations of local cuisine samples. It also offers tours, comfortable lodgings, and the opportunity to explore the castle and the environs.
>> YOUTUBE: Dundaga Castle, Latvia
"A man's house is his castle. - James Otis"
Šlokenbeka Castle is a fortified manor in the historical region of Semigallia, in Latvia. It is the only existing example of a fortified manor centre in Latvia. It started its existence as a castle of the Livonian Order before 1544. In 1845 Slokenbeka manor house was built inside the defensive walls of the castle.
>> YOUTUBE: Slokenbeka Castle, Latvia
"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away."
Näyttelyviikon lopun majoitus järven rannalla mökissä. Hienot maisemat ja rauhallinen sijainti.
Viihdyimme tosi hyvin vartioivasta joutsenperheen isukista huolimatta, vai mitä Henkka :)
>> YOUTUBE: Viesu nams Eiropa Baltezers, Latvia
"Our arms start from the back, because they were once wings. - Martha Graham"
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 2 (FCI 1)
Tuomari: Iuza Beradze, CZ
Tosi iloinen tsekki tuomari. Henkka ja Nea pääsivät yhteiskuvaan.
Kaatosateessa Nea näytti muille mallia, miten mennään. BIG photos @alexdesign.lv, thank you. Renegade Knights Aranea BIG 2.
Nean ruusukkeet CAC, CACIB, BOB ja pokaalit BOB ja BIG 2 (FCI 1).
>> YOUTUBE: International Dog Show, Latvia
"Step it up my friend. The time is now. Winners always keep moving. - Vince Palko"
>> YOUTUBE : Ramses 21 weeks
>> YOUTUBE: Ramses 20 weeks
>> YOUTUBE: Ramses 19 weeks
>> YOUTUBE: Ramses 18 weeks
>> YOUTUBE: Ramses 17 weeks
AUSSENHAUS RAMSES 16 nädalat väna / 16 weeks old.
Me oleme nii õnnelikud. Ramses on fantastiline koer.
Noored sõbrad Ramses & Cola.
Aussenhaus R- pesakond 16 nädalat vana. Täname pilte Tanja, super pildid.
"If you can't Love a dog like a family member don't get one. They only know how to look at you as a pack member and to them, that is Family."
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": SP 1 SK PE1 TP SERT
Tuomari: Alla Filatova, RU
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": VH
Tuomari: Claudio de Giuliani, IT
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent, CAC, Winner certificate
Tuomari: Ratibor Cekic, RS
The Aleksotas Funicular at the southern end of Aleksoto Tiltas boasts a fine view of the city. Opened in 1935, the original fare was a mere 0.10Lt for adults, and the price remains relatively cheap to this day at just 0.58€. The view of the city from the top is wonderful and well worth the trek over the bridge.
"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers"
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent, CAC, Winner certificate, BOB
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent, CAC
Tuomari: Valentinas Stiklius, LT
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent, CAC, Winner certificate, BOB
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent
Tuomari: Fedorov Valentin, BY
Katso hieno viikonloppu koosteemme.
>> YOUTUBE: Birštonas, Lithuania 20-22.5.2016
Sonata hotellimme sijaitsi todella idyllisen Central Park puiston metsän keskellä. Koko viikonlopun ajan saimme nauttia ihanasta säästä ja oli mahtavaa kävellä koirien kanssa tämän laajan 25 hehtaaria kattavan puiston alueella. Tämä paikka ja hotellin henkilökunta saa meiltä täydet pisteet, jotka todella rakastivat meidän koiriamme. Oli haikeaa lähteä täältä ajamaan kotia kohti. Labai ačiū Viešbutis Sonata.
Hotellin terassilla aamupalalla ja jos katsot tarkkaan, niin näyttelyalue näkyy taustalla metsän siimeksessä. Näyttelyalueen takana sijaitsee yli 900 km pitkä Niemenjoki, jonka varrella kulkee erittäin hyvät kivetetyt ulkoilualueet. Tästä "pienestä" 25 hehtaarin puistosta löytyy mm. ulkokuntoilulaitteita, pingistä, krossipyörärataa, polkuautovuokrauksia, vesibusseja ym. ym.
>> YOUTUBE: Hotel Sonata, Lithuania
>> YOUTUBE: Birštonas’ Central Park, Lithuania
>> YOUTUBE: National Dog Show, Birštonas Lithuania
"If we open our eyes, our minds and our hearts, we will find that this world is a magical place. - Chogyam Trungpa"
Vytautas mäki, yksi Liettuan korkeimmista, jonka laelta on upeat panoraamamaisemat luontoon ja Nemunasin (Niemen) joelle. Loputtomien portaiden kiipeäminen oli tuskallista, mutta erittäin palkitsevaa.
>> YOUTUBE: Vytautas Hill, Lithuania
"Life is not about arriving at a destination. Life is about the journey and all the beautiful scenery along the way."
The four huge stone statues are called: “The Invincible”, “The Mother”, “Solidarity”, “Defeated”. The sounds of a metronome can be heard, coming from a black marble block which is called the “reminding heart”. These dead heart beats are the only sounds that interrupt the dead silence of this place, also known as camp Kurtenhof.
“Here humans have been punished for not having committed a crime. Here humans have been punished for loving their motherland”
“AIZ SIEM VARTIEM VAID ZEME - Beyond this Gate, the Earth Moans.”
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": VH
Tuomari: Miklos Levente, HU
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": VH
Tuomari: Vojislav Al Daghistani, RS
Vaivaran museossa saat katsauksen vuoden 1944 taisteluihin. Voit tutustua useisiin näyttelyesineisiin ulkona tai mennä vaellusreitille, jonka varrella näet kolmen eri aikakauden puolustuslinjojen jälkiä: Suuren Pohjansodan aikaisen maavallin, ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaisen Pietarin etupuolustuslinjan ja toisen maailmansodan aikaisen ns. Tannenbergin linjan.
"We are not makers of history. We are made by history. - Martin Luther King JR"
Jägalan putous (korkeus 8 m) on Viron eräs korkeimpia ja runsasvetisimpiä. Putoava vesi on vuosituhansien aikana kuluttanut rantatörmää, jonka seurauksena on syntynyt lähes 300 metriä pitkä ja 12-14 m syvyinen jyrkkärinteinen laakso. Täältä on Vironmaan vanhin kirjallinen tieto vesimyllystä (1200-luvun alku). Putous on komeimmillaan kevät- ja syystulvan aikoihin.
"Life ia like a waterfall, it is always moving and there is always an uneven flow to it. - SooHoo"
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent
Tuomari: Helena Borisova, BY
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Very Good
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Very Good
Tuomari: Espen Engh, NO
Silta johtaa vaikuttavaan muistomerkkiin "Island of Tears" / "Kyynelten saari". Afganistanin sotaan osallistui noin 30 000 valkovenäläistä, joista 771 menehtyi. Saaren keskipisteenä on kappeli, jonka neljää sivustaa ympäröi surevia äitejä, siskoja ja leskiä. Vierellä on surevan enkelipoika patsas, jota käyvät vastavihityt morsiamet tapaamassa ja hakemassa lapsionnea liittoonsa.
"The most painful tears are not the ones that fall from your eyes and cover your face. It's the ones that fall from your heart and cover your soul."
"The Pit" / "Kuoppa" on monumentti, joka on tehty holokauskin uhrien muistoa kunnioittaen. Tässä samaisessa paikassa 2. päivänä maaliskuuta 1942 natsien joukot ampuivat Minskin gheton noin 5000 juutalaista vankia. Obeliski on tehty 1947 ja vuonna 2000 lisättiin pronssinen veistos nimeltään "The Last Way" / "Viimeinen Tie". Obeliskiin on kirjoitettu teksti venäjäksi ja jiddishiksi "The bright memory of five times the light of thousands of Jews who perished at the hands of sworn enemies of humanity - German-fascist monsters".
>> YOUTUBE: Jewish Memorial - The Pit
"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank"
Gorky Park / Gorkin puisto on Minskin vanhin puisto, perustettu jo 1800 luvun alussa. Puisto on pinta-alaltaan todella laaja. Onneksi etsintöjemme kesken löysimme tämän mukavan kahvilan.
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. - Richard Bach"
Maksim Gorki (oikealta nimeltään Aleksei Maksimovitš Peškov) oli neuvosto-venäläinen kirjailija, poliittinen aktivisti ja kirjallisuuden sosialistisen realismin perustajia.
"Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precous it is. - Maxim Gorky"
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent, CAC, Winner certificate, BOB
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent, CAC
Tuomari: Oleg Vasiliev, RU
Renegade Knights Aranea "Nea": Excellent, CAC
Tara Mavic Poland "Cola": Excellent, CAC, Winner certificate
Tuomari: Kornelija Butrimova, RU
H.C. Andersenin syntyi 1805 Odense, Tanskassa. Tämä patsas valmistui 2005, jolla juhlistetaan Andersenin syntymän 200 vuotispäivää. Patsaan vierelle on ikuistettu myös Andersenin koira. 'Bronze statue of Andersen with a feather in his hand, he is sitting in a circle with book leaves and birds. In front of him sits his dog.'
"The whole world is a series of miracles, but we're so used to them we call them ordinary things. - Hans Christian Andersen"
Kuvanveistäjä Redas Dirzys valitsi shakinpelaajan malliksi amerikkalaisen nyrkkeilijän Mike Tysonin. 'Bronze statue of man behind a stone table with five chess boards, and the text "ast kviečia sulošti partiją" (AST invites you for a party)'.
"I'm a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful on clouds. - Mike Tyson"
Jousiampujan pronssinen patsas, kuvanveistäjä Romanas Kazlauskas.
"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming."
Renegade Knights Beatitas jalostustarkastettu eliniäksi - auf Lebenszeit.
Tuomari / Kohtunik: Aliftina Petrorva, EE
Maalimies / Varrukamees: Andrii Shevchenko, UA
"Reach higher every day. The more you reach, the more you will be awarded. - Billy Cox"
Tuomari / Kohtunik: Kaja Koor, EE
Renegade Knights Beatitas EE CH. Onnea.
Renegade Knights Beatitas: SP 1 SK PE4 Res-CACIB
Tuomari: Shamil Abrakimov, RU
Renegade Knights Beatitas: Kasutusklass SP 1 SK PE1 TP SERT
Tara Mavic Poland: Avaklass SP 1 SK PE2
Tuomari: Pedro Sanches Delerue, PT
Renegade Knights Beatitas: Kasutusklass SP 1 SK PE2 SERT
Tara Mavic Poland: Avaklass SP 2
Tuomari: Elena Kuleshova, RU
TOIMUMISAEG/TIME: 16-17. jaanuar 2016.a.
TOIMUMISKOHT/PLACE: Harjumaa, Kurtna ratsamanees
>> YOUTUBE: Renegade Knights Beatitas TSB 4/4
>> YOUTUBE: Renegade Knights Beatitas individual evaluation
>> YOUTUBE: LSTH Working Class females competition
VARRUKAMEHED/HELPERS: Viktor Salalui ja Rene Radala
>> YOUTUBE: LSTH Youth Class females
>> YOUTUBE: LSTH Open Class females
>> YOUTUBE: LSTH Working Class females
Renegade Knights Beatitas
1 MARGMAN (omanik Margit Kuusman, Eesti)
1 HELEROS (omanik Heli Vaab, Eesti)
>> YOUTUBE: Breeder's Class Winners
Hieno sunnuntai täällä Kurtnan ratsastusmaneesilla jälleen kerran. Viileästä ilmasta huolimatta tunnelma oli erittäin lämmin. Oli taas niin ihanaa tavata ystäviämme. Kiitokset Articus hienoista järjestelyistä. Onnittelut kaikille hienosta näyttelypäivästä.
"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible and suddenly you are do doing the impossible. - Francis of Assisi"
Katsomon takaa kaikki valmistautuivat koitokseen.
Tuomari: Anatolii Zhuk, BY
Santa Claus and dog from FINLAND Ari Angervo
Snow Whites and dogs from LITHUANIA Skaiva Jaseviciute and Sandra Ščeponaite
"Dashing through the snow - In a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go - Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring - Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing - A sleighing song tonight
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells - Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride - In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells - Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride - In a one horse open sleigh"
Tänään koko iloinen kolmikko saivat palkinnon ja koko yleisön oikein iloiseksi.
>> YOUTUBE: Santa Claus and Snow Whites in Daugavpils
"Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy. - Edwin Osgood Grover"
Renegade Knights Aranea: Excellent
Tuomari: Anatolii Zhuk, BY
1 - HELEROS JADE 562,5
"If you believe in yourself, have dedication and pride and never quit, you'll be a winner. - Paul Bryant"